More info about each tournament can be found on our website:

This page is used for two separate purposes:  1) To register a team - referred to as "CREATE A TEAM" OR 2) To submit a player waiver for a team - Referred to as "JOIN A TEAM" 

* shows required field

Please choose one:

  • registering my team(s)

  • submitting a player waiver form

Please DO NOT complete a team registration and player waiver in the same transaction. Thank you.

After reading instructions below please choose one:

Please do not “CREATE A TEAM” until you have read the instructions below for “Team Name”.

Please complete the form below. A confirmation email will be sent after this form is submitted. A link will be included that has roster and waiver information that needs to be completed.

 (Only teams that are paid and have submitted their roster/waivers can be placed in the bracket.)

 Any brackets that have filled will show as sold out. If interested in being placed on a waiting list, please email: [email protected]

  • Saturday: Boys & Girls Grades 4 & 6
    Sunday: Boys & Girls Grades 5 & 7

  • Saturday: Boys & Girls Grades 5 & 7
    Sunday: Boys & Girls Grades 4 & 6

  • Saturday: Boys Grades 4-7
    Sunday: Girls Grades 4-7

  • *Registration is closed-please call to check for openings: 320-243-7460
    Grand Rapids
    Saturday: Girls Grades 4 & 6
    Sunday: Boys Grades 4 & 6
    Mt. Iron-Buhl
    Saturday: Boys Grades 5 & 7
    Sunday: Girls Grades 5 & 7

  • Saturday: Boys & Girls Grades 4 & 6
    Sunday: Boys & Girls Grades 5 & 7

  • March 29: Boys and Girls Grades 8-9
    (Over 16 teams - March 29 & 30)

Eligibility Rules:

  • All players on a team must either be enrolled in the same school system or live or attend school in the same city or the same tribal community. Smaller schools may combine to form one team if the combined high school enrollment for grades 9-12 is 400 or fewer. Schools that combine must be from neighboring schools.

*Only teams that are paid and have submitted their roster and all waivers can be placed in the bracket

REFUND POLICY: A refund will be provided when a team needs to cancel more than 7 days in advance and the tournament is not full. A $20 registration fee will be deducted whenever a team cancels. A refund will not be provided when a tournament is full or when a team cancels within 7 days of the tournament. A 100% refund will be provided if Pacesetter cancels a tournament.


Player Waiver Form

Player Information

Parent/Guardian Information

My child has permission to participate in Pacesetter events with the understanding that neither the facility host nor Pacesetter Sports will be held liable for any injury or illness incurred at the event. I also understand that any photos taken may be used for promotional use by Pacesetter. I also understand that the mailing and email address provided may be used by Pacesetter to send information to our family.

When you have finished this form, please ensure you select "SAVE REGISTRANT". You then must choose to "ADD REGISTRANT" or "PROCEED TO FINAL STEP". Once you "PROCEED TO FINAL STEP", a new page will appear. You must enter your email and hit submit.

(If you do not receive a confirmation email, your waiver was not submitted correctly.) 

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RedPodium Sports Event Management System